Parent Right to Know Letters

Title I is a federal aid program for schools. The goal of Title 1 is to ensure a high-quality education for every child, by providing extra help to students who need it most. Title I has three primary objectives:

  • to improve student achievement for all participating children

  • to improve staff development

  • to improve parental and community involvement

Title 1 funds are distributed to districts and individual schools based on the number of low-income families served. However, once a school qualifies for Title 1 funds, academic need, not economic status, determines which students receive extra services. Title 1 funds are intended to supplement (add to), not replace, state and federal funds. 

Parents, you can influence the success of your student in school more than any teacher or federal program. By becoming an active participant in the Title I parent involvement plan at your school, you will:

  • Serve as a role model, showing your student that you support his/her education.

  • Assure that you are aware of your student’s educational progress; thereby demonstrating how important that progress is to you.

  • Teach your student that your input at the school is appreciated and that you support its efforts.

If you have questions about Title 1 programs, please contact an Rose Bud School District Administrator.